This is my first attempt at building a website completely from scratch. (HTML, CSS, JS, etc.) – started in 2019. Everything on
this website I have created or implemented myself. (Obviously, I did not create the "Twitter" logo, but I did design my own
version of it to display on my website, same story with all the other brand logos as well).
I continuously update this website with new features and bug fixes. If you see any blatant bugs, on any browser or device, please
email or message me. (Contact page coming soon - email or
message on social media in the meantime). Comments and feedback are also welcome.
View the GitHub repository here: GitHub.
About consent and cookies:
PS: This is just a quick message letting you know that I am trying to implement Google Analytics on this site. (I love looking at
this kind of data). It is running in the background. The only cookie saved from my end saved on this site is whether or not you have
already clicked 'yes' or 'no' on the consent banner. Any other cookies that may be present are Google's own cookies.
All Google Analytics is doing (at least that I'm aware of, who knows what Google does behind the scenes) is tracking basic data like number of
users, location (region), and stuff like that. Individual users are completely anonymous to me, it simply tallies the data.
If you have further questions about the cookies and consent banners, please Google it yourself, as I
don't entirely understand it myself (at least on a deeper level).
And once again, if you have any questions, comments, or feedback, feel free to contact me